Trends & Insights

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16 Sep 2022

Planning to take a home loan is a significant and crucial decision that you and your family realise to make their dream home a reality.

16 Sep 2022

Well, buying an independent house or apartment is a matter of choice and cannot be weighed in terms of pros and cons.

13 Sep 2022

Are you in a dilemma whether to buy an under-construction property or Ready-to-move in house? Well, we are here to help you find answers to your questions! From differences between the two to pros and cons of the same, this article will give you…

13 Sep 2022

We all have taken loans at some point in time-be it for buying a home, constructing one, or renovating it. We find loans a better option to finance our needs and elevate our lifestyles.

13 Sep 2022

Every Indian dream of owning a home someday, but the skyrocketing prices of Indian real estate have made people think that renting is a better option than buying a home. But have you ever wondered why people still dream of owning a home?

13 Sep 2022

With a mind full of uncertainties and a heart filled with a mixed bag of emotions, the decision to buy a home can be an expensive and critical affair.

08 Sep 2022

Cities and its urban culture attract people from rural areas, driving inverse migration at an unprecedented rate.

08 Sep 2022

Floor Space Index, or Floor Area Ratio, is the most controversial and confusing term in real estate. Home buyers barely understand the meaning of the two because they are jargon to them.

08 Sep 2022

Non-resident Indians are one of the major investors in the Indian real estate market.

08 Sep 2022

India, being the second most populated country in the world, is fast emerging as one of the biggest investment destinations in real estate. However, it witnessed a wide gap between the demand, availability, and affordability of people.

07 Sep 2022

With uncertainties brewing during the pandemic, followed by subsequent lockdowns, the Indian economy and real estate market faced a major backdrop, disrupting the trend of rentals, purchase, and leasing in Indian real estate market.

06 Sep 2022

Gurugram has grown into a vibrant real estate hotspot over the years. Property markets in the city have been buoyed by demand for spacious homes, high-quality office space, and larger warehouses.